Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Day 1: Where'd this unibrow come from?!

It is Tuesday. AKA, the day I start slamming water and cutting junk food. Time to roll out of bed with the same pathetic lack of energy I've had for far too long. Thank you God, after months of owning and operating it, I finally decided to read my manual to my Keurig and set the automatic turn-on switch.

So I never eat breakfast...like ever. I drink coffee as one of my main food groups. Sometimes a breakfast sandwich from Starbucks on my way to work if I have a few extra minutes.  I stopped doing froofroo lattes after slinging beans at a Dutch Bros for a few years and the syrup and heavy milk just kind of ruined me.

So anyways, I packed my little bag of food for the work day, and drank a Medifast strawberry shake. Not too shab! At some point during my 45 minute commute, I looked in my rear-view mirror to see this fury creature thing on my face....did I smudge my mascara up that high? What in the? I look a little closer...Oh no, no dear, that there is your eye brow creeping to the middle of your forehead. Yea ok....how did I not notice this caterpillar? I guess unibrows and flat line brow styles are becoming all the rage in some countries..yea no, not me, not into that. So whatever, added that to my list of things to take care of.

So I get to work and conduct a vision screening for the kids at one of our elementary schools. Before you know it, I'm at my 3 hour mark. Time to eat! *Trust me, all I can think about today is eating...which is weird because I don't normally think that way. The old saying goes, "you always want what you can't have." Guess the quote gods were right. But really I wasn't craving burgers or anything, just the concept of food. I ate the brownie. It was fluffy and decadent...and it was also 10:30 in the morning, so I felt like a rebel. 1:00 comes around and by then I've traveled to another school. Ziti marinara for lunch.  Ahh! A little piece of Heaven for me right there. I push through the day, eat my cookie dough bar and make it home. No changes in energy. Still feel like a melted Popsicle when I get through the front door. I prepped Mr. Man and I a lean and green buffalo chicken salad for dinner that was full of zest. Mmmmhmm.
Pretty impressed with the ease of day one. I used my food journal today which seemed really helpful in keeping me on track.

Oh and I still haven't touched my eyebrows.

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